Protecting Your Rights and Your Best Interests 

Zealous Representation For People Who Are In Domestic Violence Situations

Whether you have been the victim of domestic abuse or are accused of domestic violence, the situation can be scary. Reaching out for help is the first step toward taking control of your case. You need an attorney who can assist you in all the civil and criminal aspects of domestic violence that may arise.

At MGM Law Office, you can trust that attorney Michael G. Martin will have your best interests in mind as he seeks a resolution to your case. With over 10 years of legal experience, he can provide you with the advice and guidance you need from a family law perspective while assisting with any criminal law issues that arise from the situation.

Assisting In Securing A Restraining Order

As the victim in a domestic violence case, you are under a great deal of stress as you attempt to continue living your life while also trying to stay safe. Mr. Martin is sensitive to victims’ needs and will help you take a step toward gaining control by securing a restraining order. This document requires the alleged abuser to stay away from you and not contact you for a set period of time. Restraining orders may be temporary or permanent, depending on your situation.

What To Do If You Are Accused

Being accused of domestic violence can have a drastic impact on your life, limiting your access to your children and your home. It is important to ensure that you are represented by an aggressive advocate who will protect your rights. Mr. Martin takes the time to investigate your case to determine the validity of the accusations. He can also defend you if you are officially charged and assist in handling any restraining orders that may be requested against you.

Get The Help You Need Now

You do not have to face domestic violence issues alone. Schedule a free consultation with Mr. Martin today to discuss your options. Call his office at 612-474-5568 or send him an email.